Our focus is on implementation

of digital marketing in tourism.

We know how to present a hotel, restaurant, wellness center, apartment accommodation, travel agency or similar to future guests. We successfully helped all clients with various tips and ideas, because we have combined hotel industry knowledge with digital knowledge.

Years of experience

Satisfied clients

Food & Beverage Sector

restaurants, sweet and savory food

Some of these clients are closely related to tourism, and some are so delicious that we couldn't refuse them 🙂

  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Food delivery to companies
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Baby food
  • Sweets and savouries
  • Sauces and spices

Online shops

Wardrobe, Jewelers, Home decoration, Accessories

We own the e-shop of premium office supplies
- hoohshop.com - so we have personal experience in the e-commerce sector as well.

Also our knowledge of digital marketing

is applicable to other businessesas well

Therefor our clients are also: business schools, psychotherapists, event organization companies, digital services, animation, etc.